Feast of Saint Gerard Majella 2024 | Pray for Conception, Easy Childbirth and Safe Delivery

Feast of Saint Gerard Majella 2024 | Pray for Conception, Easy Childbirth and Safe Delivery

Feast of Saint Gerard Majella 2024 | Pray for Conception, Easy Childbirth and Safe Delivery Feast of St Gerard Majella is celebrated on 16 October yearly. Saint Gerard is known for his intercession, with people who want to conceive, pregnant women, unborn children and safe childbirth Prayer in Honour of the Feast of Saint Gerard O loving Father, the source of all grace and strength, We thank You for the life and witness of Your servant, Saint Gerard. Through his trust in Your providence and his service to those in need, He became a shining example of faith, humility, and love. As we celebrate him, we ask that you fill us with the same spirit of trust and devotion. Grant us the grace to serve others with compassion, And to carry our crosses with patience, Knowing that You are always with us in our joys and our sorrows. As You blessed Saint Gerard with the gift of intercession, Hear our prayers through his faithful heart. May we always turn to You in times of need, Confident in Your unfailing mercy and love. Mention your intentions We ask this through Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen. Prayer for Expectant Mothers and Families O glorious Saint Gerard, powerful intercessor before God, you are the patron of mothers and all who long for the blessing of children. Intercede for us before the Lord, that He may grant peace to those struggling with infertility, comfort to expectant mothers, and protection to unborn children. may pregnant and expectant families feel God's love surrounding them in this sacred time of life. Protect and nurture the child within, Grant peace and health to mother and child, And bring hope and comfort to families awaiting the blessing of children. help us to trust in God’s loving plan, even in moments of doubt and worry. Guide us through trials with patience, and may our hearts always be open to His will. Amen 0:00 Feast of Saint Gerard Majella 2024 0:27 Feast day prayer in honour of the feast of Saint Gerard 1:27 Prayer for expectant families and pregnant mothers =+== Feast of Saint Gerard Majella 2024 Prayer for Conception, Easy Childbirth and Safe Delivery Saint Gerard Majella Prayer for Conception Saint Gerard Majella Prayer for Motherhood saint gerard prayer for pregnancy Saint Gerard prayer to conceive Saint Gerard prayer for expectant mothers Saint Gerard Majella Saint Gerard prayer for fertility St Gerard prayer for special favour patron saint of expectant mothers patron saint of unborn children novena for impossible request #saintgerard #stgerardmajella #prayerforconception #prayerforfertility #prayerformotherhood #prayertoconceive