[vlog] 로드타는 자린이 #세번째 이야기 #암사고개 업힐도전 #도마니al3 #Riding with Domane al3 for Amsa Uphill challenge
[2022 04 02, 토(Sat)] 로드타고 경사도 6% 암사고개(아이유고개) 업힐도전, 역쉬 껌이네요!! 😉 사실 암사고개는 작년여름에 하이브리드 자전거 타고 업힐 했었는데 정말 힘들었었어요, 체력적으로도 많이 부족했던터라 ! 이번엔 그렇게 어렵지 않게 업힐 성공 했네요~~!! 😁 I tried Amsa Hill(Steepness 6%) and it was piece of cake! 😉 Actually I got there last summer time with my hybrid bike, then it was much hader than this time because my physical muscle was also not enough at that time but this time I made it easily with my road bike and a bit better muscle strength! 💪 👍 😅