How to make your own peeling paint material in Substance Painter
Do you need an easy way to make your own peeling paint material? In this tutorial I will show you how to make your own peeling paint material in Substance Painter for your project. Written Tutorial: https://oldetinkererstudio.com/how-to... Timeline: 00:00 Introduction 00:03 Texture 02:12 Saving #Blender3D #SubstancePainter #Materials |------------------- Who I Am -------------------| I am a CG Artist focusing on environments, props, and textures. In addition, I also work with visualizations, cinematics, and filmmaking. |-------------------- LINKS --------------------| My site: https://oldetinkererstudio.com/ My shop: https://oldetinkererstudio.com/shop/ Portfolio: https://oldetinkererstudio.com/portfo... Art Station: https://www.artstation.com/jsabbott My Discord: / discord My X/Twitter: / jsabbottcreates