Dying Light 2 Had SO Much Potential… What Happened?

Dying Light 2 Had SO Much Potential… What Happened?

Hey guys, today I’m talking about Dying Light 2—you know, the game that had so much promise but kinda fell short. I’m diving into what’s changed in 2025 and whether it’s actually worth playing now. Did Techland fix everything, or is it still missing the mark? If you enjoyed the video, hit that like button, subscribe for more honest reviews, and let me know what you think in the comments. Has Dying Light 2 improved for you, or do you think it’s still the same? Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you in the next one! #dyinglight zombie games, dying light 2, game review, open world games, parkour gameplay, post-apocalyptic world, dying light 2 review, is dying light 2 worth it, techland games, zombie survival, best zombie games 2025, dying light 2 update, horror survival games, melee combat, first person action games, new dlc, game improvements, side missions, story driven games, video game reviews, should you play dying light 2, new content, dying light 2 changes, review after launch, what’s new in dying light 2, is dying light 2 fixed, 2025 game updates, best zombie survival game