구주 예수 그리스도ㅣThere is a Gate Where Angels Waitㅣ234장ㅣ찬송 연주ㅣ천국ㅣ바이올린
구주 예수 그리스도ㅣThere is a Gate Where Angels Waitㅣ234장ㅣ찬송 연주ㅣ천국ㅣ바이올린 내가 다시 와서 너희를 내게로 영접하여 나 있는 곳에 너희도 있게 하리라 요14:3 찬양에 사용한 accompaniment 입니다 1 There is a gate where an-gels wait, And through it we'll go throng-ing In rap-ture when Christ comes a-gain For us to Him be-long-ing Oh, heaven-ly home, Oh joy re-stor'd! Oh, beau-ty, glo-ry Grace out-pour'd! E-ter-ni-ty With Je-sus Christ our Lord! 2 When we as-cend where trou-bles end Death dead; life's wa-ters flow-ing! With Christ we'll be e-ter-nal-ly, In peace be-yond all know-ing Oh, heaven-ly home, Oh joy re-stor'd! Oh, beau-ty, glo-ry Grace out-pour'd! E-ter-ni-ty With Je-sus Christ our Lord! 3 No need for light of moon by night, Nor sun nor lamp in heav-en A ra-diance there than stars more fair To all the blest is giv-en Oh, heaven-ly home, Oh joy re-stor'd! Oh, beau-ty, glo-ry Grace out-pour'd! E-ter-ni-ty With Je-sus Christ our Lord! 4 No tem-ples raise such love-ly praise As heav-en's an-thems num-ber, Where harp and voice as one re-joice, And prais-es nev-er slum-ber Oh, heaven-ly home, Oh joy re-stor'd! Oh, beau-ty, glo-ry Grace out-pour'd! E-ter-ni-ty With Je-sus Christ our Lord! 5 There ev-'ry race from ev-'ry place Shall join the an-gels glo-rious, And voic-es raise in end-less praise, Un-to the Lamb vic-to-rious! Oh, heaven-ly home, Oh joy re-stor'd! Oh, beau-ty, glo-ry Grace out-pour'd! E-ter-ni-ty With Je-sus Christ our Lord! *구원의 하나님께 오직 감사로 찬양드립니다 🙌🏻 #찬송가#천국#예수