Baked Chocolate 🍫 Zucchini’s Bread Recipe - With Whole Wheat 🌾 Flour for snack or dessert

Baked Chocolate 🍫 Zucchini’s Bread Recipe - With Whole Wheat 🌾 Flour for snack or dessert

Subscribe! :    / @gigyeasyrecipe   check my Tiktok @gigyeasyrecipe Recipe : 1 cup shredded zucchini 1/4 cup greek yogurt 1/4 cup olive oil or coconut oil 2 eggs 1 1/4 cup whole wheat flour 1 1/2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp cinnamon powder 1/2 cup cocoa powder 1/2 cup dark chocolates chunk or chip + more to decorate Bake 180C 30 minutes Enjoy ! I didn’t add sugar you can add 1/2 cup brown sugar Please subscribe to support channel ! 🥰•If you enjoy my cooking on YouTube and would like to support me more personally, donations are always welcomed and appreciated. Please don't feel yourself obligated! Thank you so much for your support 🙏 ❤️ GiGY Check my playlist 1 week vegetarian recipes challenge :    • 1 week vegetarian recipes challenge   30 days healthy dessert recipes challenge:    • 30 days healthy dessert recipes chall...   Dessert & snacks recipes :    • Dessert & snacks recipe   Breakfast recipe:    • Breakfast recipe   lunch & dinner recipe:    • Lunch & Dinner recipe   3 days liquid diet challenge    • 3 days liquid diet recipe challenge   Appetizer    • Appetiser   14 days meal plan to lower cholesterol    • 14 Days meal plan to help lower chole...   Lose 5 kg in 5 weeks Meal Plan    • Lose 5 Kg in 5 Weeks Meal Plan !   💚 100 Green smoothies recipes 💚    • 💚 100 Green Smoothies Healthy Recipes 💚   #zucchini #chocolate #cake #healthycake #healthyrecipes #chocolatecake #dessert #food #subscribe #baking #cooking #foryou #tasty #foodie