The Last of Us 2 - Chapter 34: The Descent All Collectible Locations (Artifacts, Coins, Safes, etc)

The Last of Us 2 - Chapter 34: The Descent All Collectible Locations (Artifacts, Coins, Safes, etc)

The Last of Us 2 has 286 Collectibles - 127 Artifacts, 20 Journal Entries, 48 Trading Cards, 32 Coins, 14 Safes, 8 Training Manuals, 25 Workbenches, 12 Weapons. The Last of Us 2 Collectible Guide Playlist:    • The Last of Us 2 Collectibles Guide   Nothing is missable! Everything can be collected right away on the first playthrough. No upgrades are needed. If you forget an item, you can collect it after the story in chapter select or in New Game+. You don't need to have all collectibles in the same manual save. All that matters for the trophies is that the collectibles show as complete in Chapter Select (they are stored on the profile save across all your playthroughs). This all-in-one guide shows all collectibles per chapter (45 chapters total). There's a collectible tracker in the main menu for each chapter. By following this walkthrough you'll get 100% game completion and all collectible trophies. TIMELINE CHAPTER 34 THE DESCENT (SEATTLE DAY 2): #1 - Coin 1/5 - 0:12 #2 - Artifact 1/3 - 0:53 #3 - Safe 1/1 - 1:20 #4 - Artifact 2/3 - 1:58 #5 - Artifact 3/3 - 2:48 #6 - Weapon: Flamethrower - 3:15 #7 - Coin 2/5 - 4:50 #8 - Coin 3/5 - 5:21 #9 - Coin 4/5 - 6:04 #10 - Coin 5/5 - 6:19 #PS5Trophies #Trophy #Guide #The Last Of Us Part2 #Trophy #Guide