The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered - PS5 Gameplay Part 26 - Full circle (FULL GAME)
The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered on PS5 - Playthrough will include the full game and an ending review. It will include the full game by means of PS5 gameplay, story, first impressions, reactions, cinematics/cutscenes, all main missions, all equipment, collectibles (that I can find), and finish with the ending. Plus anything extra I come across and happen to complete such as side areas and challenges! Thank you for watching and I hope you enjoy the series! Rating Summary This is an action game in which players follow the story of Ellie and Joel on their continued struggle for survival in post-apocalyptic Wyoming. From a third-person perspective, players traverse through towns, wilderness, and ruins while using weapons (e.g., rifles, pistols, explosives, blades) to kill infected mutants and human survivors in frenetic combat. Some sequences enable players to use stealth attacks against enemies—approaching from behind, slitting their throats. Players can use explosives to set enemies on fire or blow enemies apart into limbs/bloody chunks of flesh. Cutscenes depict further instances of violence: a human captive bound and hung from a noose before being disemboweled; assailants beating a restrained woman's arm with a hammer; characters shot in the head with arrows; a man repeatedly pistol-whipped. The game contains some sexual content: a couple disrobing and briefly engaging in a sexual act; the couple is heard grunting/moaning as the screen turns black (depicted from the waist up with female toplessness). Some mutant creatures are depicted with exposed breasts and genitalia. One sequence depicts two characters smoking a marijuana joint in a room full of marijuana plants. The words “f**k” and “sh*t” appear in the game. Platforms PlayStation 5 ESRB - M, Mature 17+ Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Use of Drugs Equipment: All recordings are done using PS5, Sony PULSE 3D Wireless Gaming Headset and Blue Snowball iCE Plug 'n Play USB Microphone. Videos are edited using Adobe Premier. About Garner Creations: I’m a content creator who was inspired by those I watch to try my hand at making video game playthroughs. There are aspects I like about some and those I don’t, so this is my answer to games I play. Make it about the game, after all we’re supposed to have fun playing them right? These videos are meant to give others a sense of it as a whole and then get it for themselves when they have the time to play. On a personal note I do these videos as a way to relax, teach and entertain others. As a break from everyday and the struggles each of us face. My wife and I went through IVF and it was a struggle financially and emotionally. We had tried to have a baby since 2014 after we were married. I was divorced and had 2 daughters from that previous marriage. My wife had no children of her own and we wanted kids together from the first time we ever discussed it. Because when you love someone with all your heart you want to create something that is the best of both of you. When you want something so bad and can’t have it as easily as it’s supposed to happen, it can be extremely disheartening. If you know someone struggling with IVF please have patience and understanding, it is truly hard to convey how it feels to struggle with this problem. As of March 22nd 2023 we found out we’re pregnant! Thanks to IVF we were able to implant our last 2 embryos and they both stuck (medical term for “did their thing”)! We are having twin girls who are due around November 30th 2023, if not sooner based on my wife’s pregnancy. We are excited after 9 years of trying and have finally been blessed with growing our family. Hoping to raise 2 content creators for the future channel! Our twin girls were born Oct 19th and are awesome and have made every day special.