1, 2 & 3 YEAR UPDATES - Hoya 'Rosita', Hoya linearis, Hoya endauensis, Hoya lockii and more

1, 2 & 3 YEAR UPDATES - Hoya 'Rosita', Hoya linearis, Hoya endauensis, Hoya lockii and more

In this video, I share the updates on eight beautiful Hoyas after 1, 2, and 3 years of growth. If you're passionate about growing Hoyas, this video is perfect for you! Join me as I show you how these stunning, resilient plants have developed over the years and share tips for successful Hoya care. Whether you’re new to growing Hoyas or an experienced collector of rare houseplants, you’ll find useful insights on Hoya propagation, Hoya plant care, and how to maintain healthy, thriving plants indoors. Hoyas, known for their unique flowers and lush foliage, can be a rewarding challenge for plant lovers. I discuss the best growing conditions, light preferences, watering schedules, and how to handle common issues with Hoyas. This video also features various Hoya varieties, including some of the more unique Hoyas in the plant community, so make sure you don’t miss out! Perfect for anyone interested in rare houseplants, especially those who love Hoyas, this video provides real-life updates, care tips, and the journey of growing Hoyas over multiple years. Watch now and discover how to grow healthy, thriving Hoyas in your own plant collection! 00:00 - Opening 00:23 - Introduction 01:01 - Hoya 'Rosita' 04:50 - Hoya linearis 09:49 - Addendum 10:17 - Hoya merrillii 13:22 - Hoya finlaysonii 'Chicken Farm' 16:47 - Hoya endauensis 20:44 - Hoya blashernaezii 24:55 - Hoya nicholsoniae 'New Guinea Ghost' 29:36 - Hoya lockii 33:36 - Thanks 33:53 - Question for the Comments 34:27 - Closing Links Buy Me A Coffee – https://buymeacoffee.com/PlantedInRI My Amazon Storefront – https://www.amazon.com/shop/PlantedInRI As an Amazon Associate, I earn a commission from qualifying purchases. Thanks for your support. My Website – https://www.plantedinri.com Instagram - @plantedinri Email [email protected]    / @plantedinri   #hoya #hoyas #hoyahead #rareplants #houseplants #houseplants #hoyacare #easyhouseplants #indoorplants #besthoyasforbeginners #hoyacareguide #plantcare #waxplants #rarehouseplants #hoyaheads #rarehoyas #dischidiacare #hoyacollection #houseplanthaul #houseplantcare #indoorplants #growinghoyas #houseplantpdates #hoyaupdates #hoyarosita #hoyalinearis #hoyamerrillii #hoyafinlaysoniichickenfarm #hoyafinlaysonii #hoyachickenfarm #hoyaendauensis #hoyablashernaezii #hoyanicholsoniae #hoyanicholsoniaenewguineaghost #hoyanewguineaghost #hoyalockii