Triceps Tendinopathy (Weightlifter's Elbow)
Dr Ozello's Sports Medicine Report: Triceps Tendinopathy AKA Weightlifter's Elbow ***Disclaimer: Viewing this video does not take the place of seeing a medical professional, receiving proper training in the medical profession or working with a fitness professional. Please visit a medical professional for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. Please work with a fitness professional to learn proper exercise technique and to develop a proper training program. Never perform an exercise that elicits or intensifies symptoms. If an exercise elicits or intensifies symptoms, stop immediately and use a viable substitute. Please receive proper medical training before attempting these medical procedures. Triceps Tendinopathy AKA Weightlifter's Elbow Sore and tight just superior to posterior elbow. Aggravated by active elbow extension and passive elbow flexion. Can be due to strength imbalance (Biceps overpower Triceps) or overuse. Weightlifters, bodybuilders, climbers. There may be swelling and/or tenderness to palpation, but strength is typically intact. Triceps Brachii Origins: Lateral Head: Humerus above radial groove. Strongest head. Medial Head: Humerus below radial groove. Long Head: Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula. Crosses shoulder & elbow joint. Insertion: Three heads combine to form a single tendon distally. Olecranon process of ulna & forearm fascia. Concentric Action: Elbow extension. With shoulder adducted, triceps help hold humeral head in glenoid fossa. Long head assists with shoulder extension & adduction. Innervation: Radial Nerve (C6,C7,C8). Reference Triceps Tendon Injuries https://journals.lww.com/acsm-csmr/Fu... Dr Donald A Ozello DC of Championship Chiropractic in Las Vegas, NV Web Site: http://www.championshipchiropractic.com/ Blog: https://www.championshipchiropractic.... Twitter: / drdozellodc Facebook: / championship-chiropractic-280141628688300 LinkedIn: / dr-donald-a-ozello-dc-716b3233 YouTube: / drdozellodc "Running: Maximize Performance & Minimize Injuries" https://www.amazon.com/Running-Perfor...