10 Minute Morning Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra increases our dopamine levels making us feel good and motivated; perfect start into the day.🌼 Practicing yoga nidra in the morning can also prevent feelings of fatigue later in the day and in case of a poor last night’s sleep it’s going to help offset the missed hours of sleep. Sail into your day with Ease, Calm and Balance in this 10 minute morning Yoga Nidra meditation. This guided yoga nidra is intended for Morning but can be used at any time of day when you desire a calming supportive guidance and more balance. ➡️ Use Headphones to experience the full effect of bilateral stimulation music on your brain; EMDR Music (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Bilateral music is music with a beat that pans between the left and right ears. It has successfully been used to relieve anxiety, stress, PTSD and insomnia. On top of plenty of incredible yoga nidra benefits, the morning yoga nidra has a special benefit: it helps us remember that we are more than the thoughts and emotions that will be passing through during the course of the day. The more we rest as who we are, the steadier we can be in the midst of life’s turmoil. You can use this 10 minute Yoga Nidra for deep relaxation, self-healing, and personal growth. Through practicing yoga nidra consistently we can come to realize our own wholeness and gain powerful insights that can expand our consciousness. Practice gratitude and guided yoga nidra with me ads free on insight timer: ⏳ https://insighttimer.com/RelaxAndThrive More guided relax and thrive yoga content for you wellbeing: 🌼 5 Minute Morning Affirmations | Begin Your Day With Empowering Gratitude: • 5 Minute Morning Affirmations | Begin... 🌼 Morning Gratitude Affirmations 5 Minutes | Feel Happy To Be Alive: • Morning Gratitude Affirmations 5 Minu... 🌼 Morning Positive Affirmations | Start Your Day with Thank you Affirmations: • Morning Positive Affirmations | Start... 🍃 15 minute yoga Nidra: • 15 Minute Yoga Nidra Meditation (Yoga... 🍃 Soothing yoga Nidra for healing: • Deep Relaxation Yoga Nidra | Healing ... 🍃 Guided sleep meditation for healing • Heal while Sleeping Affirmations (lis... 🍃 NSDR vs. Meditation • NSDR (Non-Sleep Deep Rest) vs. Medita... 🍃 Benefits of Yoga Nidra • What is Yoga Nidra🦋 Ideal meditative ... ➡️ If you're enjoying these yoga nidra meditations please consider subscribing to the Relax & Thrive Yoga channel: / @yoganidra-relaxandthrive it's free and it helps the channel to be found by others as well - thank you so much ❤️ ➡️ Join relax & thrive yoga channel to get access to perks: / @yoga-relaxandthrive I wish you joy, wholeness and happiness 💕 Feel free to let me know how was your experience with this 10 minute morning yoga nidra by leaving a comment. Thank you Nikolina Copyright ⓒ 2025 Relax & Thrive 🍃 All Rights Reserved I do now own any rights to the music. This work is not intended to substitute professional medical advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please seek professional help. Do not drive or operate machinery whilst listening to any meditation or relaxation. #yoganidra #yoganidrameditation #guidedmorningmeditation #relaxandthrive #relaxing #meditationforfocus #balanced #relaxation #calming #parasympatheticnervoussystem #yognidra