1st SUNDAY OF ADVENT - VESPERS - Radboud University Chaplaincy Nijmegen
Every Sunday at 5 pm English spoken HOLY MASS is offered in the church of the Radboud University Chaplaincy (Address: Erasmuslaan 9A, 6525 GE Nijmegen). After Holy Mass you can meet other churchgoers and every Sunday of the month an other activity is offered: 1st Sunday of the month: Movie night; 2nd Sunday of the month: Potluck dinner, followed by vespers at 9:00 pm; 3rd Sunday of the month: Board Games; 4th Sunday of the month: Table Talk Study Group (this year we study De Imitatione Christi by ven. Thomas a Kempis); last Sunday of the month: silent adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 3 pm until 5 pm Welcome! :) NB English spoken WEEKDAY MASSES are offered at 12:45 pm every Tuesday ánd Thursday.