TWD: WB | 2.10 - ‘The Last Light’ Intro (V2: Remastered - Fear: Season 8 Style)
It’s another Fear styled intro for TWD Universe, and this one is a remaster of one of my older intros, specifically for the series finale of ‘The Walking Dead: World Beyond’; Episode 2.10 - ‘The Last Light’! This is one I’ve been planning & wanting to do for a while, as I have always planned to put this intro together in the same style as the intro from the series finale of Fear the Walking Dead (8.12 - ‘The Road Ahead’), by incorporating some of the most important characters featured over the duration of ‘World Beyond’s run into one intro. Altogether, I’ve included a total of 18 characters in this intro, who are all listed below. To begin with, in the middle of the intro are the two main characters central to the series, adoptive sisters Hope Bennett (Alexa Mansour) and Iris Bennett (Aliyah Royale). On either side of them are both Silas Plaskett (Hal Cumpston) and Elton Ortiz (Nicolas Cantu). The remaining 14 characters in the intro are as follows, going from Left to Right: Jadis ‘Anne’ Stokes (Pollyanna McIntosh) Percy (Ted Sutherland) Mason Beale (Will Meyers) Dennis Graham (Maximilian Osinski) Jennifer ‘Huck’ Mallick (Annet Mahendru) Will Campbell (Jelani Alladin) Felix Carlucci (Nico Tortorella) Leopold Bennett (Joe Holt) Lyla Belshaw (Natalie Gold) Tony Delmado (Scott Adsit) Asha (Madelyn Kientz) Dev (Abubakr Ali) Indira (Anna Khaja) Elizabeth Kublek (Julia Ormond) The main theme for this intro is from FTWD: 8.12 - ‘The Road Ahead’. I hope you all enjoy this one as always!