The Lyran/Orion Wars with Reverend Kristina Wixon, Audrey Walters, Brian Tseng and Arkheim Ra
Today we discuss the galactic wars that have shaped our present as well as the ancient history of Earth otherwise known across the galaxy and beyond as Tetra 19. Audrey Walters joins the conversation with her vast knowledge of galactic politics as well as direct experiences with many of the events we will discuss. We welcome to the show for the first time ever Kristina Wixon who shares ancient history with Arkheim and Brian. Reverend Kristina is known as “Ah’Sha’ of the Silenced blade.” She remembers her time spent on the planet Mala Qua’, a 7th dimensional planet from the Lyra Vega Star System within the 9th frequency bands. Reverened Kristina, like the other felines from her planet has strong healing capabilities. She is still in touch with her K’Tai Father, MAA’ KAA’ and other members of the Holy House of Lyra and The Lyran High Counsel and Lyran med team Unfortunately, Mala Qua’ was destroyed in the Lyran Wars (also known as the Orion wars) by the Reptilian Empire (Orion Syndicate). Since the planet no longer exists, all the current healing is done at the Inner Earth Sanctum. As a feline tigress, she taught Blade Dancing in the Alabaster Temple and Living Library. Blade Dancing was a martial art type of dance using weapons Enchanted with Elemental properties for protection. Also, she also practiced the art of Light Sculpting and Alchemy. She is very adapt at transmuting energies for the betterment of aligning the various frequencies with sound, light, and color. Kristina's website- https://eternallystarborn.com/ I enjoy Streamyard immensely. If you decide to pay for their service, I get a kickback from them. Just use this link. Win-win for everyone. Check out StreamYard: https://streamyard.com/pal/d/61852003...