How to deal with negative people in your home | Dr Karishma Ahuja

How to deal with negative people in your home | Dr Karishma Ahuja

ये Video बदलेगा आपके हाथ की लकीरें -    • ये TECHNIQUE आपके हाथ की लकीरें बदल द...   WATCH THIS ASAP! 📌बुरी नज़र से बचने के लिए रोज़ाना करें ये उपाय |    • बुरी नज़र से बचने के लिए रोज़ाना करें...   Living in a negative environment can feel like being trapped in a dark room. But just as a single candle can illuminate darkness, your positive energy has the power to transform your entire household. The key lies not in constantly pointing out others' faults, but in approaching them with patience and understanding. Remember - negative behavior often stems from inner pain or emptiness. Like a parent who doesn't give up on a troubled child, maintain respect and compassion in your relationships. Speak calmly, pray sincerely, and trust in the power of consistent positive action. The most beautiful truth about energy is that it's ever-changing. Even in the darkest situations, transformation is possible when you hold onto your vision of peace and positivity. Work on your own vibration, and watch how it naturally uplifts those around you. #InnerPeace #PositiveEnergy #PersonalGrowth #drkarishmaahuja #negativity #relationships Dr. Karishma’s Teachings on Law of Attraction, Ho’oponopono, Inner Child Healing ──────────────────────────────────── Contact Dr Karishma 's Team for Queries: Join Dr. Karishma on Instagram-   / drkarishmaahuja   ──────────────────────────────────── About Dr Karishma Ahuja Dr. Ahuja is a renowned Law of Attraction Trainer, Hypnotherapist & Metaphysical Counselor with profound expertise in Forgiveness therapies and inner child healing based on Letting Go technique of Ho’oponopono. Dr Ahuja has written over 500 articles and coached thousands of people over the last 16 years. She is the Author of 2 Powerful Self help books - "The Healing Power of Words" and "The Healing Power of Gratitude." Get your copies of the books here: Karishma has a weekly column in "The Hindustan Times" and has been featured on other online portals like Times of India, Zee News, Midday, Tax Guru, Entrepreneur India, etc.