How to Transfer TON Coin from Bitget Wallet to TonKeeper !

How to Transfer TON Coin from Bitget Wallet to TonKeeper !

If you need to transfer TON Coin from Bitget Wallet to TON Keeper, the process is straightforward. First, open the TON Keeper app, which is used for receiving and storing TON Coins. Once inside, tap on the "Receive" icon to generate your TON wallet address. Copy this wallet address, as you'll need it to complete the transfer. Next, open the Bitget Wallet app. In the app’s interface, navigate to the wallet section, usually found at the bottom of the screen. Locate the "Send" button at the top left and tap on it. Since you're transferring TON Coin, select TON from the available assets. In the recipient field, paste the wallet address you copied from TON Keeper. Enter the amount of TON you want to send, or tap "All" if you wish to transfer your entire balance. Optionally, you can add a memo or remark for reference. After entering the details, tap the "Confirm" button to initiate the transfer. The transaction will process, and after a short time, your TON Coins should appear in your TON Keeper wallet. If you experience any delays, check the transaction status on a TON blockchain explorer. I hope this guide helps! If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment. Thanks for watching, and see you in the next video. 0:00 Introduction 0:13 Copy TonKeepe Wallet Address 0:36 Transfer TON Coin 1:15 Conclusion #TONCoin #CryptoTransfer #BitgetWallet #TONKeeper #Blockchain #CryptoWallet #CryptoGuide #CryptoTransactions #TONBlockchain #SecureCrypto Disclaimer: CryptoGPT is an educational channel only. The channel does not own the rights to the name, logo, or any affiliated branding. The content provided is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice.