IV Fluids and Blood Transfusion in Hindi | Types of IV Fluids | 4-2-1 Rule and Parkland Formula

IV Fluids and Blood Transfusion in Hindi | Types of IV Fluids | 4-2-1 Rule and Parkland Formula

Proper fluid and blood management is crucial in maintaining homeostasis and preventing complications in medical settings· IV fluids are categorized into crystalloids, colloids, and blood products, each with specific uses and risks· Crystalloids like Ringer Lactate and Normal Saline are used for fluid replacement, while colloids such as albumin and dextrans help maintain plasma volume· Blood products, including whole blood, packed red blood cells, and platelets, are essential for transfusions to restore blood volume and improve oxygen-carrying capacity· Effective fluid management involves tailored approaches based on the patient's age, health conditions, and surgical requirements, with continuous monitoring to ensure proper fluid balance and prevent issues like dehydration or fluid overload· Blood transfusions require careful testing and monitoring to avoid reactions and complications, emphasizing the importance of meticulous management in both fluids and blood therapy· Related Video    • Body Fluids in Hindi & Compartments |...   PlayList    • Hematology   Follow On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/people/Simpl... Follow On Telegram https://t.me/+eY5pohQTFnlmN2E1 Visit Website https://simplifiedparamedical.com/ Follow On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/simplifiedp... Hashtags: #FluidManagement #IVFluids #BloodTransfusion #MedicalEducation #Healthcare #Crystalloids #Colloids #BloodProducts #RingerLactate #NormalSaline #TransfusionSafety #PatientCare #MedicalTraining #HealthcareProfessionals #ClinicalPractice