현지인이 추천하는 제주도 맛집#꼭 가봐야하는 맛집#shorts#성읍민속마을#성읍뚱보식당Famous restaurants in Jeju Island
현지인이 추천하는 제주도 맛집 제주도 민속마을에 가신다면 꼭 가봐야하는 맛집입니다 인심도 굿!!^^ 모든 상차림 셀프이며 밥과 반찬 무한리필로 주십니다 특히 제육볶음?요게 정말 불맛도 나고 장난아니었다는 후문^^ #shorts#성읍민속마을#성읍뚱보식당#가족여행#제주도맛집추천 Famous restaurants in Jeju Island recommended by locals If you go to Jeju Folk Village, it is a must-see restaurant Good generosity! ^^ All table setting is self-service I'll have unlimited refills of rice and side dishes Especially stir-fried spicy pork?It tastes like fire Rumor has it that it was no joke ^^ #shorts #Seongeup Folk Village #Seongeup Fatbo Restaurant #Family Trip #Jeju Island Restaurant Recommendation