SHUMC 21st Sunday after Pentecost October 13, 2024 10:30 AM
Permissions and sources: Songs "Permission to reprint, podcast, and / or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-735934 . All rights reserved.” CCLI License# 11265998 & CVLI License# 505470972. Opening SHUMC Background: (media.sharefaith.com) Welcome Background: (stonecreekonline.com) Opening Hymn Background: (youtube.com) Prayers & Concerns Background: (scotkinnaman.com) Hymn of Praise Slide: (algiersumc.com) Offering Background: (mtclairmissionarybaptistchurch.org) Prayer of Dedication Background: ( youtube.com) Hymn of Preparation Background: (youtube.com) Scripture Reading Background: (bibleoutlines.com) Closing Hymn Background: (youtube.com) Benediction Background: (youtube.com) Benediction Response Background: (peakpx.com) Closing Blessing Slide: (Matthew 7:14) Closing Slide: (myrcns.com )