Second Sunday in Lent March 5, 2023 - “Declared Righteous!”
Bulletin: https://bit.ly/shepherdak20230305 Service & Hymns: https://bit.ly/shepherdak20230305_Ser... By the Word, the example of Abraham, and the woman at Sychar this spiritual truth is pressed home today: the righteous are those who, called by grace, believe in the Promised Seed, Jesus Christ. To them the Lord credits faith as Righteousness. First Lesson – Genesis 12:1-8 Abram did not deserve God’s promises, but undeserved love sought him out. By grace, Abram’s faith led him to leave his homeland and cling to God’s promise. Wherever he wandered, Abram’s faith led him to continually worship his God. Song of the Day – CW 434 “Upon the Cross Extended” Second Lesson – Romans 4:1-5, 13-17 Paul provides commentary on the first lesson. Abraham’s faith charts the way for believers; indeed, by faith, we become his children and heirs to the wonderful promise God made to Abraham and fulfilled in his Son. Gospel – John 4:5-26 Jesus encounters a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well near Sychar. He reveals himself to her as the promised Messiah. Through him the spiritually thirsty receive drink that becomes in them “a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” Order of Service: The Service with Communion (In the hymnal rack) Hymns for Today: 523, 434, 573, 925 Sermon: John 4:5-26 “Who Says You Don’t Need to Go to Church?” Pastor Fred Voss Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church Anchorage AK - Captured Live at http://www.shepherdak.com/live Notes: CW - Christian Worship - A Lutheran Hymnal (ISBN: 9-9944-3858-1) CWS - Christian Worship Supplement (ISBN: 978-0-8100-2062-7) SB - Let All the people Praise You - A Songbook (ISBN: 0-8100-0904-8) All copyrighted music is this service is covered by the following licenses: CCLI CSPL# CSPL060412 OneLicense# A-715814