Sunday 22nd: : Dec: Brother leads Evening Prayer with Advent Meditation & Reflection
Details of Brother’s ministry please go to his websitehttp://taucommunityofsaintfrancis.org... Sunday 22nd: : Dec: Brother leads Evening Prayer Led by Brother 4 Peace & shares Prayer / Reflections with a Spirit Led Meditation from the Celtic Christian Franciscan Traditions. Brother comes to you from his heart sharing only the pure love of God-the God of a Thousand Names. Brother asks for prayer for all Palestines living along the West Bank. Brother is not antisemitic but his heart is deeply saddened by the Israeli Government offering 100% mortgages to Jewish settlers on the West Bank to run rough shod over innocent Palestinians by confiscating their land and properties with violent means ending in death of Palestine families. Come Join Brother with our Prayer Partners from different beliefs live from 08.00AM & 17.00 Hrs PM GMT UK see links below.Brother dedicates Morning Prayers from the Celtic Franciscan Traditions 4 Healing 4 all God’s Children regardless of colour, creed, ethnicity, gender orientation and disability.. .....4 Global Peace & Healing & 4 All God's Children 4 Tau’s Prayer Partners 4 God on Earth. Morning Prayers Go Live: 08.00 Hrs AM— EVENING Prayers Go Live: 17.00 PM GMT-London Pax et Bonum Br Sean Mary TCOIF If The Spirit of the Universal Christ & St Francis of Assisi is guiding your heart to come and Join our online Celtic Franciscan Interfaith Community as one of God’s Prayer Partners on earth, then please visit our website at: http://taucommunityofsaintfrancis.org... Br Sean Mary’s Prayer Channel: Times: 08.00 Hrs AM and 05.00 Hrs PM GMT-LONDON New YouTube Channel / @padreseanmarybradley Brother has recorded over 4K of videos 4 those on the spiritual path. Go to our old Youtube: / @brotherseanbradley