GUY’S & SAINT THOMAS’ Hospital NHS Interview Questions & Answers! (How to PASS an Interview at GSTT)
GUY’S & SAINT THOMAS’ Hospital NHS Interview Questions & Answers! (How to PASS an Interview at GSTT) DOWNLOAD ALL 21 ANSWERS: https://passmyinterview.com/guys-and-... #nhsrecruitment #nhscareers #nhsinterview ** 21 GUY'S AND ST. THOMAS' HOSPITAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS & ANSWERS! ** https://passmyinterview.com/guys-and-... Learn how to pass an NHS interview at Guy's and Saint Thomas' Hospital! 21 GUY'S AND ST. THOMAS' HOSPITAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS & ANSWERS! Q1. Tell me about yourself. Q2. Why do you want to work for Guy's and St Thomas’ Hospital? Q3. What are the values of Guy's and St Thomas’ Hospital? Q4. Why did you apply for this role? Q5. Tell me about a time when you demonstrated one of our values at work. Q6. How would you help promote Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in your team at Guy's and St Thomas’ Hospital? Q7. How would you handle a conflict with a healthcare professional? Q8. Describe a situation where you have dealt with an angry member of the public. Q9. How would you put a patient first in your work? Q10. How would you demonstrate confidentiality in your work at Guy's and St Thomas’ Hospital? Q11. What will be your biggest challenge coming into this role at Guy's and St Thomas’ Hospital? Q12. How do you manage multiple priorities? Q13. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Q14. How would you handle a complaint from a patient or family member. Q15. Tell me about a time when you worked on a healthcare team. Q16. Can you tell us what you understand by Pathway? Q17. What is Clinical Governance in the National Health Service? Q18. What are the 6 NHS core values, and give an example when you demonstrated one of them at work. Q19. What is safeguarding, and how would you implement it in your work at Guy’s and Saint Thomas’ Hospital? Q20. Tell me about a time you went above and beyond in your work. Q21. That’s the end of your Guy’s and Saint Thomas’ interview. Do you have any questions? ** DOWNLOAD THE ANSWERS ** https://passmyinterview.com/guys-and-...