The Walking Dead The Final Season - Episode 2 - 100% Achievement Walkthrough
Full Achievement Walk-through for The Walking Dead: The Final Season Episode 2. Obviously this will contain spoilers, but I have tried to limit this solely to the requirements to unlock the achievements I would recommend making multiple backups saves during the game to make sure you wont need to replay the whole game if you miss an achievement, but throughout the guide I mention ideal spots to do this when you need to take more than one path. Timestamps: [0:56] - Gatherer / Botanist [1:27] - Collectible 1/3 [1:45] - Collectible 2/3 & Edible [3:02] - Collectible 3/3 [4:44] - Personal Touch - Place all collectibles [5:27] - Be Prepared [7:26] - Great Girl - Pat Rosie [8:05] - Sureshot [8:44] - Bonded & Moving Fast [9:28] - Deadeye #TheWalkingDead #Episode2AchievementWalkthrough #ObsessedCompletionist