The Walking Dead The Final Season Episode 4 Achievement Guide (All Cheevs in Chronological Order)

The Walking Dead The Final Season Episode 4 Achievement Guide (All Cheevs in Chronological Order)

Welcome to Episode 4 of the Walking Dead The Final Season in which the collectibles and achievements got a lot shorter and a bit easier this time around. There is only 2 missable achievements this time around with 4 collectibles (Although 1 doesnt actually count towards the achievement so no worries) Hope this video helps and remember to like, comment and subscribe below! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    / @thewelshhunter   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you enjoy my content and the guides i create and the laughs i HOPEFULLY give, why not consider joining and donating to my Patreon for as little as a measly, tiny £1! This will help big time in continuing to make the BEST videos i can possibly make and the rewards for you guys doing so will be endless and worthwhile, i promise! You can find it right here:-   / ifisf1backwardsgaming   If you do donate, a BIG HUGE thank you to those that do! You da Real MVP! Also, follow my socials for more hilarity AND especially Twitter for a big chance to win some FREE! Thats right, FREE Game Prize Giveaways! Twitter:-   / ifisf1backwards   Facebook:- Instagram:-   / ifisf1backwardsgaming