Quantum Break Live Action (TV) Episode 3: Deception
"Deception" is the third episode of the Quantum Break television series and the fourth and final part of Act 3 in the video game. The events occur on October 9th, 2016 at 9:29PM. Hatch informs Charlie of the Lifeboat Protocol, it is an underground, stutter-proof sanctuary where essential and higher Monarch staff can continue research on fixing the fracture when time stops permanently. Believing Serene is unhinged, Hatch plots to overthrow him and take control of Monarch, and offers Charlie a Lifeboat position provided he helps him take the CFR powering it. Heading to the lab, Hatch releases Dr. Kim into the Monarch HQ by detonating the lab. Liam and Fiona, catching up to Charlie, threaten him and demand answers. Offering Lifeboat positions but secretly calling Hatch, Charlie leads them through a service tunnel only for Liam to be suddenly shot by a Monarch gunman. Allowing Charlie and Fiona to leave, the gunman boasts that he looks forward to killing Emily, only to have his throat slashed when Liam suddenly gets up. Rushing to the hospital where Emily is working, Liam finds another Monarch gunman and fights him, ending when Liam kills him. Consoling Emily, Liam explains the Lifeboat Protocol and takes her to Monarch HQ. Meeting with his science staff, Serene is told time is expected to end within eight hours. Learning all of his treatment equipment has been destroyed in the lab explosion and without Amaral, Serene realizes he doesn't have long to live. Receiving a call from the lab, Serene learns that a surviving soldier is implicating Hatch for the explosion; Serene demands his immediate arrest. PR Campaign | Personal Version | Trust Amaral Version. Episode 2: • Quantum Break Live Action (TV) Episod... Episode 4: • Quantum Break Live Action (TV) Episod... #quantumbreak #tv #quantumbreakliveaction #Quantumbreakdeception Quantum Break,Quantum Break TV Show After Act 3,Quantum Break Episode 3,Quantum Break Episode 3 Deception,Shawn Ashmore,Aidan Gillen,Courtney Hope,Lance Reddick