2nd Sunday before Lent 23 2 25

2nd Sunday before Lent 23 2 25

Welcome to this service for 2nd Sunday before Lent including hymns, prayers, readings and a sermon. We'd really like to hear from you – please comment below and also: Visit our Website - https://badshotleaandhale.org/ Contact us - http://badshotleaandhale.wordpress.co... Follow us on Facebook -   / badshotleaandhale   Follow us on Instagram -   / badshotlea_hale   Subscribe to our YouTube channel    / @parishofbadshotleaandhale7290  " Follow us on Twitter -   / b_lea_and_hale   Sign up for our newsletter - https://badshotleaandhale.us8.list-ma... We are a Church of England parish that would love to welcome you. At the moment all services in the churches themselves are suspended because of the coronavirus pandemic but we are still aiming to support you in every way we can, through prayer, resources, and practically where possible. We have online services and other spiritual resources on our website. We are an Inclusive Church - a church which does not discriminate, on any level, on grounds of economic power, gender, mental health, physical ability, race or sexuality. We are also an Eco-Church, striving to care for God's Creation. We are delighted you've found us.