Face Retouching - Best Photoshop Tutorial | Skin Retouching 2023 by wiicck
#adobe #retouching #faceretouching #photoshoptutorial #makeup #makeuptutorial Face retouching using the Mixer Brush Tool in Photoshop can help you achieve a natural and subtle look. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use the Mixer Brush Tool for this purpose: Step 1: Open Your Image Launch Adobe Photoshop and open the image you want to retouch. Step 2: Duplicate the Layer In the Layers panel, right-click on your image layer and select "Duplicate Layer." This will create a duplicate layer to work on, preserving the original. Step 3: Create a New Layer Click the "New Layer" button at the bottom of the Layers panel to create a new blank layer above your duplicate layer. This will be used for the Mixer Brush work. Step 4: Select the Mixer Brush Tool Locate the Mixer Brush Tool in the toolbar, which looks like a brush with a twisted handle. If you don't see it, it may be nested with the regular Brush Tool; click and hold to reveal the hidden tools and select the Mixer Brush Tool. Step 5: Adjust Mixer Brush Settings At the top of the screen, you'll find the Mixer Brush options. Adjust the following settings: Load: Set to a low value (e.g., 10-20%) to limit the amount of paint the brush picks up from the image. Wet: Increase this value (e.g., 50-70%) to make the brush simulate a wet paintbrush. Mix: Set this to a moderate value (e.g., 20-30%) to control how much the brush mixes the colors. Flow: Keep this at a lower value (e.g., 10-20%) to maintain control over the application. Step 6: Choose a Brush Preset Click the brush preset picker in the Options Bar to select a brush suitable for your retouching needs. Soft round brushes are often a good choice for this type of work. Step 7: Start Retouching Zoom in on the area of the face you want to retouch. Paint over imperfections, blemishes, or areas you want to smooth out using short, gentle strokes. Follow the contours of the face to maintain a natural look. Pay attention to blending and smoothing the transition between retouched and non-retouched areas. Step 8: Adjust Brush Size and Opacity Change the brush size as needed using the bracket keys ("]" to increase, "[" to decrease) or by right-clicking and adjusting the size slider. You can also adjust the brush opacity for more subtle blending. Lower opacity helps avoid an over-edited appearance. Step 9: Refine as Needed Continue to paint and blend until you achieve the desired level of retouching. You may need to switch between different brush sizes and opacities for different areas. Step 10: Zoom Out and Compare Periodically zoom out to see how your retouching looks in the context of the whole image. Ensure it appears natural and not overly smoothed. Step 11: Save Your Work Once you are satisfied with the retouching, save your image. Remember that moderation is key when retouching faces. Overdoing it can result in an unnatural appearance, so aim for a subtle and realistic enhancement. ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ Please watch: "Create a Highly Realistic SKIN TEXTURE in Photoshop" • How To Create Realistic Skin Texture ... ~-~~-~~~-~~-~