Economic development I Class 10 SEBA I Part 4 I 2.07 Economic planning in India IEASY TO UNDERSTAND
Welcome back to Social Crackers! 🌟 In this video, we cover The Two Phases of Economic Planning in India (1951-1991 and 1991-Present) from Class 10 SEBA Economics Chapter 2. Here's what you'll learn: Phase 1 (1951-1991): The era of centralized planning, focusing on self-reliance, heavy industries, and public sector dominance. Phase 2 (1991-Present): Post-liberalization period with economic reforms, globalization, and emphasis on financial inclusion and private sector participation. We'll break down the key concepts behind each phase, including economic liberalization, financial inclusion, and how these shifts transformed India’s economic landscape. #EconomicPlanning #IndiaEconomy #FinancialInclusion #EconomicReforms #SEBAClass10 #SocialCrackers If you like then you can share it so that other students will be benefited otherwise skip it #EconomicDevelopment #Class10SEBA #SocialScience #EconomicGrowthVsDevelopment #SEBAEconomics #HumanDevelopment #SocialCrackers #Class10Assam Join our vibrant community to access PPTs, notes, MCQs, and other essential study materials. Connect with me personally for answer writing feedback, doubt-clearing sessions, or to showcase your talents! Click the link below to join our Telegram and WhatsApp community or reach out via Gmail: 1 Telegram Channel: https://t.me/+Ng7vBf47o0k5Nzk1 2 Gmail: [email protected] 3 Whatsapp Community - https://chat.whatsapp.com/Bp7PXuTstNn... Let’s embark on this exciting journey together!