Cash to Gold Glitch - Change Casino Heist Primary Targets (Gold/Diamonds) - GTA Online: Drug Wars
**Check the Description! Check the Channel! Subscribe!!** This is a really easy glitch to change your primary target in the first phase of the Casino Heist in GTA Online. For this to work, you'll need to have done some version of each approach (Silent, Aggressive and Big Con) at least one time. With this method, you can literally turn Cash or Artwork into Gold or even Diamonds (on weeks when they're around). This is especially perfect for anyone who's lost their Casino Heist Finale doing the replay glitch. You literally just scope the place out, see what the RNG gods give you. If it's Cash or Artwork, you can call Lester, cancel the Diamond Casino Heist, go back to the Arcade, then once you restart the Heist at your Board, there's another random chance for either Gold or something else. Think of it like a 3 sided dice getting rolled in the background code of the game. RNG gods will inevitably pick some of you out for cash 5 times in a row. That's it for now people! Hope You Enjoy! More Stuff Coming Soon! Watch LIVE at - / flipperachi212 Discord Link - / discord GTA Online CREW LINK - https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/... 43K SUBS!?! NIIIIICE! All of you are awesome! Please consider subscribing if you haven't already! Would love to make it to 44K next! KAIZOKU OU NI, ORE WA NARU