MurrayHillsCC 3rd Sunday of Advent (Joy) on December 12th, 2021
Murray Hills Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Beaverton, Oregon provides this recording of our in-person worship service from December 12th, 2021 for your enjoyment. As this is the third Sunday of Advent, we had a short responsive reading as the third Advent candle, for Joy, was lit. Then, after the passing of The Peace, our opening hymn is “Shout to the Lord” as led byF, H & L directory Ellie Hodder. Special music is provided by the MHCC choir singing “Veni Emmanuael” under the direction of Ellie Hodder with percussion accompaniment by Cheri and Xander H. along with Cheryl Y. on piano. Rev. Dr. Troy Sybrant's sermon is titled "Jesus, Light of Joy" based on the scripture readings of Isaiah 12:2-6 and Luke 2:8-14. The invitation hymn is “Gather Us In” as led by F, H & L as directed by Ellie H. This week's offertory music is provided by Cheryl Y. on piano playing "Of the Father's Love Begotten". The service concludes with the hymn “My Soul Gives Glory to My God” as directed by Ellie and accompanied on piano by Cheryl. www.murrayhills.org In addition to accompanying hymns, Cheryl Young provided the following piano music: Prelude; "Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light" Chorale Prelude - Tune: Ermuntre Dich by Johann Schop - Arr: Larry Shackley "Noel, Noel" - Nicolas Saboly - Arr: Larry Shackley "Infant Holy, Infant Lowly" - Tune: W Zlobie Lezy - Traditional Polish carol - Arr: Larry Shackley "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" - Tune: Veni Emmanuel - Adapted from plainsong by Thomas Helmore - Arr: Mark Hayes Offertory: "Of the Father's Love Begotten" - Divinum Mysterium - Plainsong, 13th c. - Arr: Larry Shackley Postlude: "Behold That Star!" - American Spiritual - Arr: by Larry Shackley