November 17, 2024; Worship on the twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost: “Eternal Foundations.”

November 17, 2024; Worship on the twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost: “Eternal Foundations.”

Worship on the twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost: “Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow – Eternal Foundations.” The Sermon by Pastor Beth Rambikur is the sixth in a series considering the biblical foundation for Christian stewardship. A stewardship minute is presented by Paul Waugaman, Chair of the CCUM Board of Trustees. The Liturgist is Paula Jameson. The Song Leader is Sinamar Respecio. Chorak vocal music is offered by the Chancel Choir, and a solo vocal offertory is offered by Tom Messmore. Organ and piano music is offered by Janet Tolman at Christ Church United Methodist, November 17, 2024.