Cross Over and Love Feast Service | Sunday 31st December, 2023 | With Pst Sam Ogah | @RCCG HERNE
RCCG Amazing Grace Parish Herne, North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany For our mid-week service, please join using the details below; https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2709099162?... Zoom meeting ID – 270 909 9162 Please register your testimony through this link: http://rccgamgdortmund.org/testimonies For Tithe and Offerings: https://rccgamg.org/giving/ #ChurchInHerne #blessings #drsamogah #youth #service #germany #live #livestream @WinnersTeam #thanksgiving #germany #nigeria @songsforpraise @ThanksForWatchingYT @RCCGGAPTV @Likegermany @MusicHeavenBD @RCCGCONTINENTAL #youtube #facebook #instagram #christmas