In this episode of My Time, Tony Hernandez Pumarejo will be telling us what autistic burnout is and the impact it has on the mental health of autistic people (and also any ordinary person). For more information on autistic burnout, I share this article: https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-... Website: www.tonyhernandezpumarejo.com Social Media: Facebook: / tonyhernandezpumarejo Instagram: @tony_hernandez_pumarejo Twitter: @tonyhpuma Linkedin: linkedin.com/tonyhpuma Twitter: @tonyhernandezpumarejo CREDITS: Luis Duprey and Brandon Duprey - Editing and Production Team Their website: https://www.etsy.com/shop/VEXIbyLGKDe... Contact: / luiscapriduprey Luis and Branding also are starting the Media portions of the Biz The Media Part is- Vexi Fusion Media The name of the Etsy store is Vexi by LogoKidd Designs. That will eventually change to Vexi Fusion. Email:[email protected] Phone: 407-692-2240 No Copyright Music: Bam Bam by Infraction.