Immersive Van Gogh Experience at Atelier des Lumières - The tranquility of art

Immersive Van Gogh Experience at Atelier des Lumières - The tranquility of art

Please make sure your sound is on for a better and more immersive experience. Since I am still learning how to edit videos to get my tutorials up and running, I thought we’d travel back in time together, to a time pre-pandemic, and I’d share some of my travel experiences dealing with art history. Sorry about the video format, these first few videos are ones that I took for myself without a plan to upload them, so… there’s that. This first video is my absolute favorite art experience of all time: Atelier des Lumières’ Van Gogh Exhibit. Seriously, this was the most mesmerizing, awe-inspiring, yet soothing experiences of my life. If you get a chance, I hope you will take advantage of any opportunity you have to delve into this exhibition. Have you already immersed yourself in one of these art experiences? Let me know your thoughts on the comments. I would love to hear others’ reactions. This exhibit is no longer limited to Paris. Pop-up exhibits are happening all over the world. If you are in the US and would like to find the city nearest you, try this link: This is unfortunately, not an all-inclusive list, as places much like Atelier des Lumières have also become permanent galleries for this type of immersive art experience. One example is The LUME in Indianapolis. To check it out, click here: If you are international, The LUME offers several immersive art experiences both in traveling format and permanent locations. If you would like to see the Van Gogh Alive exhibit, do a search for your area. I’m sorry but I could not find a comprehensive listing of worldwide exhibitions. You can also see Monet, Klimt, and Alice in Wonderland as an immersive experience. When we get through this, I hope to see all of them! If you would like to learn more about me, you can visit my website (yes, it needs updating) at: on Facebook at:   / stacimcknightmaney   on Instagram @quirkcurio or on Twitter (which I really should use) @StaciManey