August 14, 2022 10AM Worship Service

August 14, 2022 10AM Worship Service

Recordings of our Sunday worship services are posted during the following week. Today's Sermon: Chaos on the Edge: Orderly Worship (1 Corinthians 14:1-12) Dr. Robert Prince Scripture Reading and Prayer: Brooke Atwood Children's Sermon: Rev. Christi Hollifield Acolytes: Andrew Fleenor | Graeme Hollifield | Sam Fleenor Worship Through Music: Prelude: Mary Ann Cooper - Organ Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (Hymn #7) Sanctuary Choir | Congregation Worthy of Worship (arr. Tom Fettke) Sanctuary Choir Come, All Christians, Be Committed (Hymn #604) Congregation Your Glory (With Nothing But the Blood) (All Sons and Daughters) 100 South Main worship band Move (Jesus Culture) 100 South Main worship band Postlude: Mary Ann Cooper - Organ