Last of Us 2 Chapter 4 Seattle Day 3 Collectibles Artifacts, Journals, Cards, Parts & Supplements
Last of Us 2 Chapter 3 Seattle Day 2 Ellie Collectibles Artifacts, Journals, Training Cards, Coins, Safes, Workbenches, Training Manuals, Parts & Supplements locations. Detailed timeline in comment section, pinned. 0:00 Intro 0:11 Road to the Aquarium Trading Card 1 - Esquire Weapon Parts x3 Supplements x17 Weapon Parts x17 Trading Card 2 - Tormentra Supplements x6 Workbench 1 Supplements x10 Weapon Parts x9 Weapon Parts x3 Artifact 1 - Garage Note Trading Card 3 - Tanager Artifact 2 - Bookstore Note Journal Entry Supplements x11 Weapon Parts x1 Artifact 3 - Textile Note Supplements x18 Weapon Parts x15 Workbench 2 Weapon Parts x10 Trading Card 4 - Tatuaje Weapon Parts x6 8:24 The Flooded City Supplements x7 Trading Card 1 - Seff-L’ho’phad Journal Entry Artifact 1 - Stash Note Weapon Parts x2 Safe Weapon Parts x7 Supplements x17 Weapon Parts x18 Workbench 1 Artifact 2 - Shambler Note Supplements x9 Supplements x17 Artifact 3 - Sniper’s Note Artifact 4 - Encampment Note Weapon Parts x15 Supplements x10 Artifact 5 - Arcade Flyer Weapon Parts x29 Workbench 2 Trading Card 2 - Khazakh Bright Supplements x12 Artifact 6 - Arcade Note Weapon Parts x2 19:42 Infiltration Supplements x6 Weapon Parts x9 Weapon Parts x17 Journal Entry 20:58 Outro #thelastofus #thelastofuspartii #tlou #tlou2 #ps #playstation #ellie #naughtydog #thelastofusellie #joel #tlouellie #elliewilliams #thelastofusjoel #thelastofusremastered #thelastofusedit #games #tloujoel #videogames #tlouedit #gamer #gaming #joelmiller #sony #game #ashleyjohnson #lastofus #troybaker #ellietlou #bhfyp