Composting Made Easy: 2 Ingredients to Garden Gold!
Composting Made Easy: 2 Ingredients to Garden Gold! Cold and hot composting are two different approaches to breaking down organic material. Cold Composting is simply piling up organic materials and allowing them to decompose naturally over time while Hot Composting is creating a carefully balanced mix of "green" (nitrogen-rich) and "brown" (carbon-rich) materials, turning the pile regularly to maintain oxygen and keeping moist in order to achieve high temperatures. The advantage of Hot Composting is faster decomposition, kills weed seeds and pathogens. Want to create amazing compost for your garden but feel overwhelmed by all the complicated methods? Don't worry, composting can be super simple! In this live, I'll discuss how to start composting at home with as few as TWO ingredients. That's right, you can start composting today with just a couple of things you probably already have around your yard. We'll keep it super basic and cover: The two essential composting ingredients How to combine them for composting success Simple tips for maintaining your compost pile How to know when your compost is ready to use Plus, I'll explain how composting can save you money and benefit your garden. Let's get composting together! 🌱