금강다큐영화 '절강' / Documentary film 'Severed the river'
1990년 금강하구둑이 건설되었다 담수호로 사용하기 위해 만들어진 금강하구둑은 30년이 지난 지금까지 금강과 서해를 가로막고 있다 금강하구는 본래 기수역생태의 보고 였으며, 금강하구의 어업과 문화가 오랫동안 이어져온 곳이었다 하지만 30년전 금강하구둑이 생겨난 뒤로는 다양하고 풍성했던 기수생태는 점점 사라지고 있을뿐 아니라 서천갯벌의 상태도 악화되고 있다 여러 복합적인 문제로 해수유통의 근복적인 해결책이 제시되지 않은 상태에서 서천갯벌은 2021년 세계자연유산으로 등재되었다 In 1990, 'Geum-River estuary bank' was built 'Geum-River estuary bank', which was made for use as a freshwater lake, has blocked the Geum-River and the West Sea until now, 30 years later The estuary of the Geum-River was originally a treasure trove of the ecology of the brackish water area, and was a place where fishing and culture of the estuary of the Geum-River continued for a long time However, since the Construction of the 'Geum-River estuary bank' Estuary 30 years ago, the diverse and abundant brackish ecology is gradually disappearing, and the condition of Seocheon mudflats is also deteriorating Seocheon Tidal Flat was registered as a World Natural Heritage Site in 2021 without a fundamental solution to seawater distribution due to various complex problems 연출 / 촬영 전형진 2021 첫번째 서천군 다큐멘터리 Directed / Filmed by Hyungjin-Jeon 2021's first documentary in Seocheon-gun