성탄의 밤에 울리는 노래소리 A Song Was Heard at Christmas - Cindy Johnston-Favreau | 서울가톨릭싱어즈

성탄의 밤에 울리는 노래소리 A Song Was Heard at Christmas - Cindy Johnston-Favreau | 서울가톨릭싱어즈

✝ 성탄의 밤에 울리는 노래소리 A Song Was Heard at Christmas - Cindy Johnston-Favreau ▫서울가톨릭싱어즈 Seoul Catholic Singers ▫지휘 유근창 Conductor Simon, Geun-Chang Riu ▫반주 오혜림 Pianist Hye-Rim, Oh ▫2019 12 16 @서초동 성당 SeoCho-Dong Church ▶Cafe : [음원/자료/악보] ▶Blog : ▶Facebook : ▶Youtube : [Subscribe channel] ☞채널 구독은 저희에게 힘이 됩니다 ▶Donation 후원 : 📧공연문의 : seoulcatholicsingers@gmail com #서울가톨릭싱어즈 #서가싱 #SeoulCatholicSingers Copyrightⓒ2019 Seoul Catholic Singers All right reserved ───────────────────────── 🌐The following lyrics translation is intended to help listeners understand and may differ from the intention of the composer/songwriter 🙏A Song Was Heard at Christmas 1 A song was heard at Christmas to wake the midnight sky: a Saviour's birth, and peace on earth, and praise to God on high The angels sang at Christmas with all the hosts above, and still we sing the new-born King, his glory and his love 2 A star was seen at Christmas, a herald and a sign, that all might know the way to go to find the child divine The wise men watched at Christmas in some far eastern land, and still the wise in starry skies discern their Maker's hand 3 A tree was grown at Christmas, a sapling green and young; no tinsel bright with candlelight upon its branches hung But he who came at Christmas our sins and sorrows bore, and still we name his tree of shame our life for evermore 4 A child was born at Christmas when Christmas first began; the Lord of all a baby small, the Son of God made man For love is ours at Christmas, and life and light restored, and so we praise through endless days the Saviour, Christ the Lord 🙏 성탄의 밤에 울리는 노래소리 성탄의 밤에 울리는 노래 소리는 하늘에는 주께 영광 땅에는 평화 모든 천사들 기뻐 노래를 부르네 우리도 함께 아기 구세주 찬미하세 성탄의 밤에 한 별이 비추이더니 그 별이 인도하여 아기 예수 찾았네 동방 박사 아기 지켜 보았네 동방 박사 하느님 손을 찬미 찬송해 성탄의 밤에 한 나무 자라고 있었네 그 나무엔 촛불도 없고 장식도 없네 우리 죄인을 위하여 슬픔 지셨네 우리는 그 나무로 영생을 얻었네 성탄 저녁 깊은 밤에 아기 나셨네 하느님이 만든 아기 모든 이의 그리스도 성탄의 밤은 생명과 빛을 찾은 밤 영원토록 우리 주님 구세주 찬미해