Bishops’ meeting on the Eucharist, threats to religious freedom, Thanksgiving and more! #82

Bishops’ meeting on the Eucharist, threats to religious freedom, Thanksgiving and more! #82

On this week’s episode of the Walk Humbly Podcast: Bishop Burbidge returns from the Fall General Assembly of the USCCB and shares his thoughts on a teaching document on the Eucharist that came out of the meeting. A leaked memo suggests the Department of Health and Human Services is considering rolling back religious liberty protections for health care professionals. How to make your voice heard! Bishop Burbidge invites you to Solemn Vespers to launch Year 1 of the Diocesan Jubilee at 4 p.m. this Sunday, Nov. 21, at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More. As Thanksgiving approaches, Bishop Burbidge reflects on his experiences serving meals to the poor at Christ House in Alexandria.