Quick Svadhisthana Chakra Cleansing - 11 minute Sacral Chakra Healing Chant
Svadhisthana Chakra Cleansing - 11 minute Sacral Chakra Healing Chant कुण्डलिनी - स्वाधिष्ठान बीज मंत्र This video features Sacral Chakra Meditation Chant. Svadhisthana is the second primary chakra. Svadhisthana is located two finger-widths above the Muladhara chakra or root chakra which is located in the coccyx (tailbone). Its place is barely below the belly button. It is connected with the sense of taste and with reproduction. In the symbolic picture of the Svadhishthana Chakra is a Lotus with six petals. These represent our negative qualities which are to be overcome like anger, hatred, jealousy, cruelty, desire, pride, lethargy, fear, doubt, revenge, envy and greed. The Svadhishthana Chakra marks the second level of our development. The evolution of consciousness towards pure, human consciousness begins in the Svadhishthana Chakra. Awakening of the Svadhishthana Chakra brings clarity and development of the personality. Opening this chakra can boost creativity, manifested desire and confidence. Its seed mantra syllable is वं (vam) All seven main Chakras that we have, resonate with a particular sound frequency and each chakra has its own seed mantra, reciting that seed mantra in the musical note that resonates with the chakra's vibrational frequency is the most effective way to balance and open the chakra through meditation. Chant the Beej Mantra 'VAM' along with this video can increase the effectiveness of this Kundalini chakra meditation multiple times. As you meditate, close your eyes, and visualize that with each breath, you are energizing the Svadhisthana, and this energy is getting to every part of your body. The best is to make a daily routine to meditate on this chakra. Om Shanti ॐ शान्तिः #svadhisthana #sacralchakra #sacralchakrahealing #beekmantra #OmniscientWisdom ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright ⓒ 2022 Omniscient Wisdom. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorised re-uploading, copying, selling, sampling, and synchronisation are strictly prohibited.