K-ROADTRIP S.KOREA (youngwol suju) Beopheungsa Temple 영월 수주 법흥사 적멸보궁
Please watch my videos with your favorite musics Looking for a comfort road and place In order to inform and take a long walk joyfully in S korea only see videos and then please don't copy videos, if you get more information about videos, see and check, contact blog naver com/sgh3924, hlkim0173@gmail com Slow walkingtrail ,Bike trip with UM coffee(UMC) in s korea (at seoul) UM Coffee where you want to take in korea coffee made in HLKIM001, umc UMC-o origin coffee UMC-a americano UMC-l caf'e latte UMC-c capuchino (coreano style) cappuccino (italiano style) contact me, hlkim0173@gmail com if you take UMC coffee slowqalking trail, biketrip in Korea (seoul) SWT-TRIP company H&L MEDIAPICTURES\