My Daughter STARTED HER FIRST PERIOD! *ROUTINE* 😭 || WITH VOICE🔊 || Toca Boca Roleplay #tocaboca

My Daughter STARTED HER FIRST PERIOD! *ROUTINE* 😭 || WITH VOICE🔊 || Toca Boca Roleplay #tocaboca

💖🌈hii akeilanators 😭in today's toca boca roleplay my daughter started her first period! disclaimer: my audience has been asking for this video for years. toca added pads to the game and i thought this was a good opportunity for a learning experience! learn more about periods ➡️ ➡️ 🏷#tocaboca #tocalifeworld #tocaworld #tocalife #tocaroleplay #roleplay #roleplaying #voice #voiceacting #bloxburgroleplay #family #robloxstory