Stellar VBS Day 2: On the Moon Faith Helps Astronaut Mikki with Unkind Friend
(Click the CC button for accurate subtitles.) Have you ever had a friend act mean to you? Ever felt like getting back at them? Join Mikki when Faith points her to hope and love of Jesus, showing her, "When people don't get along, SHINE JESUS' LIGHT!" Angry words hurt, but revenge is never the answer and makes things worse! Instead of trying to be unkind back, remember that we all have messed up and been unkind to others. Jesus doesn't give us what we deserve, no one deserves God's love, forgiveness and kindness. But when we trust Jesus, God gives us His Holy Spirit to be kind to others, even when they are not kind to us. Join us for Stellar Vacation Bible School skits that we (Heartstrong Twins) rewrote to fit 4 days of VBS and emphasize more of the truth of Jesus' love and light and incorporate a redemptive plot. All skits and characters are based on Group Publishing's original scripts and performed for Harvest Community Church.