27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Liturgy of the Word for Children - October 2, 2021
In today's Gospel, the people were bringing their children to Jesus, and again Jesus’ disciples show that they just don’t get it. Recall that in the Gospel for each of the past two Sundays, Jesus has taught his disciples the value and importance of these “little ones” in the Kingdom of God. Yet in today’s Gospel, the disciples try to prevent people from bringing their children to Jesus. Jesus reprimands his disciples and welcomes these children. Again Jesus offers these children as an example of the kind of complete trust and dependence upon God that ought to be the attitude of all believers. And that's what God wants from us - faith and trust in him like children have in their parents and other caregivers. Colouring Sheet: https://f.hubspotusercontent30.net/hu... For the older children: Crossword Puzzle: https://f.hubspotusercontent30.net/hu... WordSearch: https://f.hubspotusercontent30.net/hu...