How to make natural fungicide, insecticide pesticide and powerful fertilizer for plants.
#how to make organic pesticide at home# neem leaves pesticide# organic pesticide# organic insecticide for plants# mealybugs# organic pesticide kaise banaye# organic pest control# pesticide# insecticide# Organic fungicide# organic pesticide making# pestiside# Bonsai Tricks And a Lot More Pakistan organic journey# dilshad Rind organic journey# agriculture# Kheti# Organic Fertilizer# organic Fungicide# organic Insecticide# aphids control# mites control# whiteflies control# Hing or asafetida uses in agriculture# lassi uses in agriculture# bio fertilizer# high power fertilizer# high power insecticide# Leaf Curl Virus Control# Remove Ants and Fungus from plants# fungicide# natural fungicides# remove ants# remove fungus# treatment for mealybugs# organic fungicide# best natural fungicide for plants# indoor plants# outdoor plants# balconygardening with dilshad Rind# terracegardening with dilshad Rind# homeplants with dilshad Rind# plantcare with dilshad Rind# careyourplants with dilshad Rind# growplants with dilshad Rind# kitchen gardening with dilshad Rind # What Is the Best Organic Pesticide for Plants# , Why Is Organic Pesticide Better# Pest Control# What is the best organic pesticide for plants# How do you make organic pesticides# Are organic pesticides effective# Organic Pesticide Ingredients# Organic Insecticides# Neem Leaf# Onion And Garlic Spray# Chrysanthemum Flower Tea# To make a basic oil spray insecticide# esticide residues than on conventional products# Soap and water Spray a mixture of one teaspoon of mild liquid soap per liter of water on houseplants to treat common pests. Add one teaspoon of baking soda to the mixture to make it a fungicide. Neem oil Mix neem oil with water and a few drops of dish soap, shake well, and spray on plants every two weeks to repel pests. Neem oil can kill powdery mildew spores, insect vectors, and bug eggs. Vinegar Use a vinegar solution to repel and kill insects like slugs, moths, and ants in your garden. Avoid using industrial vinegar with a concentration of 20% or more acids, as it can damage blooms. Milk Mix one part milk with two parts water and spray on plants weekly, especially after it rains, to kill bugs and weeds and help tomatoes build immunity to fungal diseases. Vegetable oil Mix one cup of vegetable oil with one tablespoon of mild liquid soap, then add two teaspoons of the mixture to one quart of water and spray on plants. Fungicide for blackspot, powdery mildew, other disease: 1 T. baking soda. half a spoon liquid soap. gallon of water. Insect control (aphids, white fly, scale, mealy bugs) Rubbing alcohol. Insect control (spider mites, aphids, mealy bugs, others) 3 tablespoons liquid soap. 3 tablespoons vegetable oil. gallon of water. Garlic Crush garlic cloves, mix with water, let it infuse overnight, strain, and dilute with more water to make a natural pesticide and fungicide that's also antibacterial and antiviral. Chamomile tea Spray or drizzle chamomile tea on plants with fuzzy white growth to protect seedlings from fungus. • Apricot pruning and training session.... https://www.facebook.com/dilshadrind.... / @dilshadrindnewpunjabnurser2510 / rind.dilshad • Merey garden me Kia he ? How to grow ... • How to Grow Potatoes At Home (Full up... • Top 20 Fragrant plants/Scented perman... • How to grow Okra from seeds at home./... • How to grow stevia plants from cuttin... • This Boy Grow Vegetables.Biggest Harv... • Summer Season vegetables.Which vegeta... • Fastest Growing Method of Coriander j... • Which vegetables are grown in April/2...