CalmDo Electric Skillet & Grill - Review - Bonita's Kitchen
Welcome to Bonita's Kitchen! Today we will be sharing our review on this CalmDo Electric Skillet & Grill, by Bonita's Kitchen..... Ordering Link: Looks like the store is unavailable for now, I will give you another link!! https://kit.co/bonitaskitchen/kitchen... To view & download the full recipe, please view it here on our website: https://www.bonitaskitchen.com https://www.bonitaskitchen.com/cookbook - Our cookbooks! HI: Welcome to Bonita’s Kitchen - I’m Bonita! Thank you for joining us! I’m excited today to share with you my REVIEW for this CalmDo electric skillet & grill….. First it comes in a nice package that can be reused for a parcel and storing other things in it. The grill plate capacity is 300, 200, 25mm/12 by 8 by 1 inch with a deep pot capacity of 3.4L - 3.6QT It is a compact unit that is great for the University student living away from home, single person looking for no fuss home cooked meals, or a busy working family that got no time to waste. The functions is warm, Low and high, and the deep pot can cook anything from pot roast with veggies, chilli, breakfast, stew, soups and casseroles, this names a few and check some of these meals. Also the grill plate is great for grilling steaks and chicken indoors on a cold or rainy day….to making a wicket grill cheese sandwich. Grill pan and deep pan wash with soap and water, ONLY wipe hot plate and base with damp cloth or wet paper towel…..NEVER put in water. LID IS DISH WASH SAFE or wash with soap and water. Easy storage because its not a big unit, we love it! So TWO THUMBS up by Bonita’s Kitchen and we look forward to using this unit if future shows and daily use. Discount code and ordering link is posted below and for more details check out the CalmDo website……Enjoy on behalf of myself, Raymond and Team,,,,,, I apologize in advance if anything in this video is not clear or miss read, please follow the CalmDo website for more details if needed. Thank you for watching Bonita's Kitchen, and don't forget to subscribe for more Traditional Newfoundland Recipes and Cooking!