[ Kor & Eng Sub ] [ Korean Shadowing ] 직장은 구하고 있는 거야? - Are you trying to find a job?
Shadowing is one of the best ways to improve your Korean speaking skills as it helps improve pronunciation, intonation, and vocabulary Improve your spoken Korean with a short conversation from K-dramas It is structured into four parts as follows: Part 1: No subtitles will be provided Listening only, 100% Part 2: Korean subtitles only Try to figure out the meaning using Korean Part 3: Korean and English subtitles provided You can understand sentences and vocabulary Part 4: Shadowing Korean sentences Listen and repeat 직장은 구하고 있는 거야? [ 직짱은 구하고 인는 거야? ] 쉽지 않지? [ 쉽찌 안치? ] 괜찮습니다 [ 괜찬씀니다 ] #learnkorean #koreanshadowing #koreanlanguage #koreanstudy #shadowingkorean