Easy Butter Soft Milk Bun for Kids - 2023 | By Faz At Kitchen
#milkbread #milkbreadrecipe #breadrecipes #FazAtKitchen Welcome to our channel! Today we're showing you how to make the ultimate soft and fluffy bun, using simple ingredients: milk, butter, and all-purpose flour. This classic recipe is easy to follow and perfect for any occasion, from breakfast to dinner. Whether you're a seasoned baker or just starting out, this bun recipe is sure to become a staple in your kitchen. So, gather your ingredients and let's get started! Don't forget to like and subscribe for more delicious recipes. Enjoy! Ingredients For bun dough 300g flour 1 egg 50g sugar 70ml melted butter 1/2 tsp salt 1 tbs oil 1 tbs sugar 1 and 1/2 tsp yeast 120ml warm milk Egg wash 1 egg 1 tsp milk powder Please follow us on Facebook: / fazatkitchen Instagram: / faz_at_kitchen #bun #milkbun #homemadebun #softbun #butterbun #bunforkids #homebalingbun #quickdinnerrolls #softandfluffydinnerrolls #milkbreadloaf #dinnerrolls #pitabread #bakingrecipe #breadtecipe #sweetdinnerrolls #srylankanstylebun #burgerbun #pizza #homemadebun #grilledburger #tallburger #kualalumpur #makanhalalbest #makanbest #kawkawbeaconizer #permaisuriburger #homemade #makanhalal #kawkawburgerbakar #kawkawburger #burger #towerburger #halalburger #chickenburger #bestburger #halalfood #lambburger #burgerlover #halalfoodmy #burgermania #foodbranding #foodporn #burgerporn #halalfoodjb #halalfoodkl #delicious #halal #beaconizer