Livestream 1030 Sunday 31 July 2022 - You are not your own - 5
Welcome to our Sunday Morning service on 31 July 2022. This is part of a series called “You are not your own”, which explores The Lord’s Prayer. The Lord’s Prayer can be found in Matthew’s Gospel, chapter 6: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/.... This month's Mission Focus is on Barnabas Fund, which supports persecuted Christians in many countries. https://www.barnabasfund.org/gb/ Watch live! You can watch our services live on Facebook every Sunday morning at 10.30 UK time. / stjamestaunton . The video here on YouTube is a “tidied-up” version of the livestream recording – mainly removing gaps and repairing the occasional hiccup. Listen to the audio: Alternatively, you can listen to the readings and the sermon in our Bible Bytes podcast that appears each week on our website: http://stjamestaunton.org/biblebytes. Please allow a couple of days for us to process and upload the podcast and the YouTube video each week. Contact us: You can find our contact details on the website. Technical note: our current livestream setup captures slides and videos from the overhead screen, so the quality of those parts of this recording is not as sharp as we’d like it to be.